Episode 96

Published on:

22nd Sep 2021

ReSolve Riffs with Laurence Siegel on "Fewer, Richer, Greener" and the Age of Abundance

“The unfortunate truth is, very few want to hear an optimistic take on the world during a pandemic.”

Human beings evolved to pay closer attention to negative vs positive information. For our ancestors, the cost of seeing danger where there was none was a cortisol spike and an unnecessary sprint, but dismissing a real threat might have led them to be a predator’s next meal.

Our guest this week was Laurence Siegel, Director of Research at the CFA Institute Research Foundation and author of “Fewer, Richer, Greener: Prospects for Humanity in an Age of Abundance”. We discussed the main themes from his book, including:

  • The case for techno-optimism
  • Demographics, healthcare and lifespan
  • Inflation, deflation and hedonic adjustments
  • Pollution, climate modelling and the wide range of possible outcomes
  • Why nuclear power is a crucial component of a greener energy matrix
  • Differences across geographies
  • Economics, capital markets and realistic expectations

We also debated the future of cities, real-estate costs and possible changes to the jobs market if we extrapolate current trends.

Thank you for watching and listening. See you next week.


This is “ReSolve’s Riffs” – live on YouTube every Friday afternoon to debate the most relevant investment topics of the day, hosted by Adam Butler, Mike Philbrick and Rodrigo Gordillo of ReSolve Global* and Richard Laterman of ReSolve Asset Management.


*ReSolve Global refers to ReSolve Asset Management SEZC (Cayman) which is registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission as a commodity trading advisor and commodity pool operator. This registration is administered through the National Futures Association (“NFA”). Further, ReSolve Global is a registered person with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority.

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About the Podcast

Resolve Riffs Investment Podcast
Welcome to ReSolve Riffs Investment Podcast, hosted by the team at ReSolve Global*, where evidence inspires confidence.
These podcasts will dig deep to uncover investment truths and life hacks you won’t find in the mainstream media, covering topics that appeal to left-brained robots, right-brained poets and everyone in between. In this show we interview deep thinkers in the world of quantitative finance such as Larry Swedroe, Meb Faber and many more, all with the goal of helping you reach excellence. Welcome to the journey.

*ReSolve Global refers to ReSolve Asset Management SEZC (Cayman) which is registered with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission as a commodity trading advisor and commodity pool operator. This registration is administered through the National Futures Association (“NFA”). Further, ReSolve Global is a registered person with the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority.